What we really do?

We strive to bring you the best products to protect yourself and your loved ones. We source our products from various manufactures and other global distributors to ensure that you get what you need at great prices. We also believe that quality matters; thus, we only source for tried and tested fire safety and fire fighting equipment. We also know that while technology has advanced, we still need to maintain the older systems many people still may have, so we try our best to bring you what you need.

Our Vision

At power Fire Solutions, we believe that everyone deserves to be safe from fires and that all property needs to be protected as well. Our vision is to become the biggest e-commerce supplier of fire fighting and fire safety products while taking care of every customer needs the best way we can. We intend to achieve this by providing high quality tested products to prevent loss of life and property at great value.

History of the Company

Our history begins with our collective team of great minds and personalities who have been in the fire industry for more than a decade. Each team member is keen to find the best solution to serve customers better and prevent loss from fire disasters. Our operation online began in 2021 and is steadily growing as we get to interact with our customers and supply what they need.

Cooperate with Us!

We invite you who but from us and in return promise great value and support from Fire Power Solutions. We also Encourage other manufacturers with great products to reach out to us and work out how to share their great products with customers. We are keen on high standards in fire fighting and fire safety and encourage each one to have the same drive. Serve others by providing high quality tested products to prevent loss of life and property.

What can we do for you ?

Our products are handpicked from various manufacturers and quality is thoroughly checked. We also supply products that have received certificates from various International approval boards and organizations

We do our best to deliver what you buy in the shortest time possible for your convenience. Depending on the items purchased, the products will be on the way to you in a matter of a few days but no more than two weeks.In case of a longer delivery time, you will be notified immediately.

Should you need further assistance for the product purchased from us, our team will be ready to help in any way they can. Your satisfaction is our happiness.

In some cases where you may need technical assistance on installations of purchased products, we may recommend our partners to assist you. However, the cost is not included in the product purchase.

